Mill 0-2 (Training Part)

From Make In Salford
Revision as of 13:35, 23 January 2024 by A.Dunbar (talk | contribs)

This introductory part will introduce you using the CAM workspace inside Fusion 360 to prepare work for use with the Haas UMC-500 milling machine in 3-axis mode. The CAM/programming portion of this part is self-directed, you should apply what you have learned from the Mill 0-1 part.

All of the files you will need above are available from the Morson Maker Space Teams group – look in the Haas UMC-500 folder in Files tab of the CNC Machinery channel. Once you have completed the workshop videos you can book time with the Maker Space staff to run your program on the machine. The cutting, including set up of the machine, will take approximately 1.5 – 2 hours.

Process Hints

  • Start machining from the "bottom" of the part, with the round boss facing upwards.
  • Drill the 2.5mm holes in the first operation. Use a spot drill to very lightly centre the holes. You can't use the spot drill if you are drilling deep in the bottom of the pocket, so to improve positional accuracy these holes should be drilled from the "bottom".
  • Don't chamfer the edges of the holes, as per the drawing. When you mill the pocket in the second operation you will end up with clean holes with no leftover pieces of material to remove.
  • There is a dimension tolerance of 39.8 +/- 0.1mm on the round boss. This should be easy to achieve with a normal finishing 2D Contour toolpath, but make sure you inspect this dimension before removing the part from the mill.
  • There is a dimension tolerance of 38.0 +0.2 -0.0mm on the round pocket. Note that this hole must not be smaller than 38mm, but can be up to 0.2mm larger. Make sure you inspect this dimension before removing the part from the mill.
  • For the second operation you should make sure the origin is set in the correct place. The model box point origin may not reflect the surface that is actually sitting on the parallels. In the design workspace you can create a sketch on the correct plane (the base of the round boss) before projecting geometry and adding a point sketch geometry that can be used as the origin for the second operation.

Material Required

  • Qty 1 - 50.8 mm x 50.8 mm x 25.4 mm (2” x 2” x 1”) Aluminium

Tools Required

  • T40 - 12mm 3-flute Aluminium Endmill
  • T88 - 8mm 90 degree spot drill/chamfer mill
  • T175 - 4.2mm drill
  • T173 - 2.5mm drill
  • T199 - Work Offset Probe

Files Required

Download the files for this project from Sharepoint.

YouTube Playlist

There is currently no playlist for this part.