Chip Conveyor (Haas ST-15Y)

From Make In Salford
Revision as of 18:46, 15 December 2023 by A.Dunbar (talk | contribs)
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Missing Safety Information
This machine or process is currently missing safety information. Please make sure you check the risk assessments and datasheets in person - ask a member of technical staff if you are unsure.

Unlike the 5-axis mill this machine has a chip conveyor - it automatically scoops chips and swarf from the bottom of the machine and deposits them into a barrel or chip bin.

Swarf from a lathe is hazardous - often it is incredibly sharp. It will cut you easily. Do not move swarf around bare handed, and use an appropriate tool when you need to.

Do not touch to interact with any part of the chip conveyor while it is in motion.

Operating the Chip Conveyor

Control panel

The chip conveyor only runs with the door shut. It is controlled with the CHIP FWD, CHIP STOP, and CHIP REV buttons on the left hand side of the control panel. The chip conveyor will only operate in reverse with the button held in.


M31 will turn the chip conveyor on in the forward direction, and M33 will stop it. You can use these M codes from within the program or in MDI mode on the control panel.

Cleaning the Chip Conveyor

You must not try to clean any part of the chip conveyor by hand while it is in motion.

When changing between materials you can place a rag into the conveyor - this will drag through any material that is stuck in the conveyor and give a good visual indication of when the chip bin can be changed. Ask a technician if you need help with this.