Automatic Tool Turret (Haas ST-15Y)
Our machine has a 12-station hybrid turret with 6 Bolt-On-Tool (BOT) positions and 6 VDI-40 positions. The VDI positions in the image above are the ones with the red protective plastic caps and can be loaded with either static turning tools, drills/boring tools, or live tools like endmills and drills.

- Only operate the tool turret when there is sufficient clearance. Be sure a moving tool will not collide with the chuck, workpiece or other part of the machine.
- You must not operate the turret while the tool-probe arm is extended. Retract the tool probe arm before operating the turret to prevent accidental collisions.
Selecting a tool
To manually rotate the tool turret the machine must be in MDI (Manual Data Input) mode and the door must be closed.
- Close the door.
- Ensure the machine is in a safe position to perform a tool change.
- Enter MDI mode by pressing the MDI button.
- Type the tool number, such as T6
- Press the TURRET FWD or TURRET REV button.
Unlike the CNC mill there is a difference between the functionality FWD and REV buttons:
- FWD will rotate the turret clockwise to the requested position when looking from the chuck,
- REV will rotate it anticlockwise to the requested position.
Performing a position change with the wrong button could rotate the turret all the way around even if it's the next turret pocket.